Why would you hire a Professional Organizer? You can deal with that clutter yourself, right? But, what if you are stuck, don’t know where to start or what containers to use? What if you are feeling overwhelmed and it’s just easier to shut that door and walk away.

cluttered tools

Maybe that clutter is starting to affect your life. You don’t invite people over anymore because you’re embarrassed of your home. Or it takes you twice as long to get ready in the morning because you can’t find anything so every morning starts off with stress. And, because you can’t find items you’re looking for, you go and buy another one - and another one - and another one! 

These are all reasons it’s time to hire a Professional Organizer.

coffee meeting

The process begins when you first speak with us. We’ll have a conversation to find out what your “pain points are”, basically what room or space you need help with. Maybe it’s a closet or junk drawer or it could be your whole house. Then we’ll set up a time when we can come see the space and meet you in person because let’s face it, we will be in your home and touching your belongings! It’s important to establish a rapport before starting. And, it’s important for us to see what we are dealing with so we can formulate a plan. Then we have a conversation about your organizing style. Are you someone who likes items tucked away in bins and behind closed doors? Or do you need to see things out in the open or you’ll forget you have them?

woman presenting

Once your style has been determined, we talk about storage options and your budget. Should we use baskets from the Dollar Store or iDesign?  Do you want to leave it up to us to get what we need? Probably a good idea since we know what works and how items will fit in the space we are organizing. Then the fun starts! And, as scary as it sounds, it can definitely be fun too! 

coffee break

Perhaps we’re working on your kitchen. I will take EVERYTHING out of your cupboards and sort into “like” categories.  When that’s done, we do the purging process. That is the most important stage for you to be with us as we won’t discard anything without your permission. But, if you have 10 cutting boards and 20 wooden spoons, we will have a conversation and make some decisions. We will determine what to keep, donate and discard.  As much as possible, we try to donate or recycle items and we will take the donated items with us at the end of the session. 

client meeting

Then comes the point where it all comes together! Once again, we ask questions to find out the best system for you.  Do you bake a lot? Do you want a coffee station? Does that turkey platter really need to live in the kitchen or is there a better home for it? This is how we find out why your last attempt to organize didn’t work for you. This is why it’s so important to figure out the best style for YOU. 

Don’t worry about making your home Pinterest worthy. The most important aspect to
consider is functionality. If it is easy for you to find your items AND put them away, it will be easy to maintain.

white kitchen

Decluttering and organizing can be very emotional, especially if there are memories tied to your items. A Professional Organizer is like a coach, holding your hand and guiding you every step of the way and sharing tips and tricks on how to keep your home organized. 


What are YOU waiting for, let’s get started Simplifying Your Life today.

Let’s connect!

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